Friday Night/Another Rant/Jobs?

Good evening everyone. I am currently writing to you at… 1:38 a.m. It’s a lovely night, and the night is still young. Although I have to admit I am tired already, sad yes. Probably cause I slept in too late. Has that ever happened to you? You slept in too late or took a nap and then you get tired later on in the day? Yeah that’s what I’m going through right now. Yeah also I maybe drunk right now. Just saying. So I apologize in advance if there is bad grammar, although I will try to prevent bad grammar from happening ( or if I say anything stupid that doesn’t make sense). Speaking of happening what is happening with me right now? Good question reader. Currently drunk, sitting in my beaten leather chair that I got from Goodwill for $32, and writing this blog. Oh whats that? You mean in life not just in the moment? Oh sorry of course I’ll tell you. Well life is good I suppose I am currently still in school ( and freaking graduating soon, woo fucking hoo), and also applying for various jobs. Oh I don’t think I told you about my job search yet have I? Well last semester for my psychology major I had to undergo an internship in order to fulfill my major requirements. So I ended up working for the HR department of the city that my college is in. I won’t bore you with the details, but I got a bunch of HR projects that related to a general sense of what HR was all about. My thought was that I would go into HR because it worked well with my skill set of critical thinking, organizational skills, and time management.  However I have noticed that most entry level HR positions require 2 years of experience, which is unfortunate because I only have a few months of experience. Hence I have extended my range of vision for deciding where to work.

The problem is that I still haven’t found any job that has stuck out to me too much. Early on in high school I was told to work in a job that you enjoy. Well apart from money, that is my most important thing that I am looking for in a job. I would say that it is the most important thing, but hey I can always quit and pick something that I like later after my college loans are paid off. College loans… hahaha woooo… great stuff. So great, (that was sarcasm). What’s that reader, you have student loans too? *high five* Yay for enslavement due to education! But honestly I am not too worried about loans, school, or a job. I know that it’ll work out. My girlfriend always asks me, “how do you know that it’ll all work out?” Which is a valid question. My answer though is just that I know. There is always a way to accomplish things, to live life, to do what you want. I wouldn’t say I am stupidly optimistic, but I am optimistic to the point that these problems won’t get to me in my day to day life. Which is all that matters to me. At the moment anyway. One step at a time. I’ll write later, and I’ll try to write my next entry sober haha. So long for now, and stay classy (insert city name here).

Woooo New Chapter (Ch. 4) /Growing Up

Holy shit it’s been a year hasn’t it. You’ll have to forgive me because I may be a tad intoxicated when I’m writing this (in advance if I say anything stupid, which I most likely wont’….. hopefully). So first off sorry for not writing, it’s been forever since I’ve written last. I’ve been busy doing school stuff, since it is my senior year of college. Job stuff, last semester school stuff, etc….  blah blah blah. I’m sure you’re not interested in the boring stuff so I will not include it. I’ve been good lately, just realizing what I have to do to have a “good life.” I’ve been applying to jobs and the like for a little while now. It’s sort of unfortunate. Unfortunate in the way that I feel like life fast forwarded and now I have to grow up, get a job, etc…. But if I think about it I know that I don’t have to grow up. I know a few people who haven’t fully grown up. Even though I know this, the thought still scares me. But honestly I’m fine, I mean the world’s my fucking oyster right now (pardon my french). I have so much to do in the future that I don’t mind freaking out about the present. That might seem a little weird, but its true. Sorry I don’t mean weird, I’ve been told by my high school teacher to never use the word weird because if you do use the word weird than that sentence or action or whatever will not be unique anymore. And if something isn’t unique then it can’t be as special anymore. Sorry it’s something like that anyway. But yeah I guess personal catch up shit:

– Still with my gf Amanda

-Senior year of college (about to graduate with psych and phil degrees)

-Living in a apartment with 3 of my friends

That’s about it I guess. For the short detailed bullet point list anyway. Ummm… hmmmm I am currently on spring break and I went to Yellowstone recently. I also succeeded in crossing off “go on a road trip lasting at least 3 days” off my bucket list.  If you haven’t been Yellowstone though then I would recommend it, it’s one of the places all American’s should visit. Haha funny story, which involves stupidity and life. So I was a complete idiot at one point on our trip to Yellowstone. So apparently you are supposed to stay 100 ft away from bears and wolves and 25 feet away from any other animal. So at one point me and my mates were hiking and we were following a wooden walkway. Well it just happened that a bison was sleeping 2 ft away from the walkway we were walking on. Naturally we went on a different path, but on the way back my buddy Chang said, “hey we should sneak past it.” Stupidly I agreed with him. So we tip toed up to the buffalo, and got right behind it before it moved and grunted a bit. We tip toed back a bit and then Chang said something along the lines of, “we got this man.” Although at this point I wasn’t so sure since the bison was alert to us now. But I followed him anyway. As soon as we got right behind the bison we sprinted, and thankfully we didn’t get speared to death. Did you know bison can run 3x faster than humans? I sure as hell did not! Well I did when I ran past the bison, but like I said it was a stupid/awesome thing to do. So that’s my story of how I almost fucking died at Yellowstone. But yeah, life’s been good. Hopefully I’ll check back soon and write more, laterz.


Sorry if this post was random, I was still sorta drunk


The picture is the bison I sneaked past

Haunted Hotel CONTINUED… Dah Dah Dah….

Yeah so first off the trip was freaking amazing. We got there and the hotel was old and really cool looking. The floors were red carpet, there was a rock wall in the lobby, and the stairs overlapped (as you can see in the picture). Also in the lobby there was a book about ghostly experiences of people who had stayed there. Although after a couple of stories we realized they were all written by kids, which could mean that they were either all false or mostly false. Kids do have open minds though. Oh by the way that thing in on the right of the stairs is a random baby crib with a rabbit doll in it. I know creepy right? We got settled in to our rooms and went to eat. Once we came back the funniest thing happened. My friend Francisco (and President of the Philosophy Club) sat on the bed and the frame just broke. We gave him crap for the rest of the trip and we had to switch rooms haha. It was a little unfortunate that we had to switch rooms though, since our first room was an antique room and it looked really cool, although our 2nd room wasn’t bad. Anyway after we settled in again we chilled and played blackjack til midnight and then we started our ghost expedition. First we all went out into the hallways. We had one recorder and my camera for our equipment, we’re amateurs after all. So we went around the lobby, the staircases and the basement next to the laundry room (where the little girl who cries was supposed to be). I was taking random pictures most of the time, and every once and a while we would turn on the recorder.The third floor was supposedly the most haunted, the most haunted room being room number 308. It did not have a number on it (like I read online) and it seemed sorta creepy at the end of the hall. Also I’m sure it didn’t have anything to do with ghosts but there was a sign on it saying that they needed to repair the locks, which seemed odd sorta.

Room 308

Room 308

Continue reading

Pranking for ambition

So the other day my roommate Jake was gone so my friends and I decided to prank him. I had never really pranked anyone before (I know that’s sad to say) so this counted towards my Bucket List Item #92: Play an elaborate prank on someone. It was pretty awesome though. The whole thing started when my friend Duncan put a piece of tape on Jake’s mouse so it wouldn’t work, and then the thought dawned on me that Jake wasn’t here and that now was the perfect and maybe only time to prank him (he’s graduating). Why would I do that to my own roommate? Many reasons. So so many reasons. For example right now he is listening to this song constantly and its so freaking annoying.

What we did was we were going to put something of his in Jello, like Jim did to Dwight in The Office. The problem was that all the good stuff that he cares about is electronic so putting it in Jello would wreck it. We ended up just putting a thing of nuts that he was eating in the jello. In addition to the jello though we ended up Serann wrapping a bunch of his stuff. His headphones, his computer monitors (he has 2), his Ipod, his TV remote, his keyboard, his pillow. The best part though was that we Serann wrapped his tooth brush and taped it to the ceiling in a corner of the room. He didn’t notice that or his pillow til 5:30 in the morning when we went to bed, which made it even more funny. I wouldn’t say that I did as good as Jim Halpert, but I’m sure he’d be proud.

Haunted Hotel

Short post, but I just wanted to inform you that I will be staying in a haunted hotel tomorrow (Its the picture above). I know, awesome right? There are 3 reasons for doing this:

1. To possibly complete #39 on my bucket list: Have a ghost or other supernatural experience

2. For philosophy club

3. It’s totally free

I’m going with 3 other guys from the philosophy club and the club money’s gonna pay for all of it which is awesome. I’ve researched the hotel a little bit. Apparently the whole 3rd floor is haunted and the elevator doesn’t even go to the 3rd floor (for no reason, ghosts probably). The most haunted room is room 308. In 1944 the hotel was set a blaze by a kitchen accident and the man in room 308 died and now he haunts the room. Also there are other things like a little girl crying  in the night near the laundry room in the basement, and the piano playing by itself. Oh yeah the best part is that all the hotel and the furniture is really old. Like end of 1800’s furniture. My friend’s parents used to own it and she said its really really creepy. So it’s gonna be great, and  I’m really excited. Although I might get a little scared, but it’ll be totally worth it. You might ask why the philosophy club is going to a haunted hotel. Well our president said something about how we can philosophize about life and how ghosts (if they exist) deal with life now that their dead. Something like that. But yeah once I come back I’ll write about it.

Matrix Thoughts

Okay so lately I’ve been having thoughts and its all because of this link my roommate Jake sent me. The link is from a forum on Reddit called “Tell me your ‘glitch in the Matrix’ stories.” Now normally I never go on Reddit, mostly because I don’t want to get addicted to it. If you do not know what Reddit is, it is a really big forum where internet nerds get to relate things to each other. Mostly non-important things. I mean no disrespect to you if you are one of these people, since I am a regular nerd myself. Anyway the forum was not about the Matrix (as you may have incorrectly guessed), it was about things that happened to people. These things being “glitches”. For example the guy who started the forum told his story of a glitch that had happened to him. He was working at a hotel and cleaning up breakfast things. He began by throwing away a carton of eggs. Lazily the guy picked up ONE egg and threw it away. When he turned back to the carton and it was full. He picked up the egg that he supposedly threw away and it was warm just like the others (they were on an egg heater or something). Continue reading

Start of Life Chapter 3/ Dang it’s been a while

Hello there. Before I start this thing I would like to point out that I know I have not written for a while. I am very aware (see its even in the title), and I am sorry. As an apology I even started a new Chapter of my Life, see (look above to title). Now what has been going on. Hhhhmmmmm… well currently quite a bit. It is March 26nd, which is a little less than a month from my birthday. My birthdays on Earth day, I know I know pretty cool right. But I”m not here to brag about how my birthday is on the day we celebrate the Earth and how yours (most likely) is not. And if your birthday is on April 22nd, FIND ANOTHER DAY TO EXIST!!! But yeah, I’ll be 21. And you know what that means! Legality! I don’t know if I used that word correctly, but at the moment I don’t really care. Continue reading

Still on Break and Super Present

As the title may have mentioned I am still on break. Stunning isn’t it. By now you may have noticed my lack of enthusiasm and/or sarcasm. If so you would be saying something along the lines of, “But Sully bro your on break whats wrong?”. Nothing is wrong loyal reader. It is just the fact that I AM BORED!!! But I’ll get to that. Other things:  Christmas went well. I got what I wanted for the most part. A lot of Doctor Who things. Cool right? Oh it was sorta awesome because for Christmas my Mom messed with me and put all of my presents in one big box. This was a problem because our family tradition was to take turns opening presents. And since I only had one present I had to open it without looking at it directly, then close the box and grab one thing out of it when it was my turn to open a present. We called it (well I coined it) the Mystery Box. Ooooooo Ahhhhhh! I know right. Like magic, but better because it’s Christmas magic. Continue reading

End of Finals (Christmas Tomorrow)

Hey there people. I haven’t written in a while because I was recouping from finals. But yeah everything worked out okay for me. I won’t go into it cause finals and school are all blah blah blah boring whatever. But I will tell you a funny story that happened to me on my last day of finals. It goes a little something like this. So I had my last final on Thursday at 10, so I decided to wake up at 8:10 in order to study for a bit. The first thing I do when I wake up is check my phone (doesn’t everyone?), and I see I have one text from my friend Andrew who is in my class. It said, “Hey man are you coming?” and he sent it at 7:58. My first thought was Oh hell no this isn’t happening. I texted him saying, “The finals at 10 right?” 5 minutes later he still didn’t reply, so I called him. He didn’t pick up. Panicking I got dressed and rushed out door. Continue reading

I Am the King (/Finals Approaching)

Don’t say anything. I know its narcissistic. But what some people don’t realize is that they have to be overly confident to overcome their fears or obstacles, or whatever is in their way. For example finals week is fast approaching me so I’m boosting my confidence early. Trust me, it works. This week is the last week of classes and then next week I have no classes and 4 finals, and I’m done with the semestar on Thursday. Going back to the confidence thing, why the hell are there pessimists in this world? One of my friends is a pessimist and he thinks that if he is negative then he won’t get his hopes up and therefore he won’t get hurt when he fails. Sorta like a defense mechanism. I can see where he’s coming from, but seriously!? Like I use to be negative (for reasons that I either forgot or they shall be not brought up at this point) but eventually I just got effing sick of it and then I got overly confident for a while. Now I’m at a point where I’m only overly confident when I need to be. Like nowish (cause of finals). My point being pessimism is not healthy or beneficial at all.  Continue reading